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when will the ending be released

It's out for Tier 3 Patrons today and will be public on the 31st.

there needs to be a way i can start from the newest update instead of playing the game all the way through again


The saves provided can be installed and will let you start from the end of Ch24.

FWIW, I used my old saves and didn't notice any issues.

Would you have an invite to Discord?Você teria um convite para o Discord ?


Here you go:

I wanted to say how much I am enjoying this game, but I had some questions. First of all, I read about Sydney joining us on leaving the city with like stat +10 which I have, but she stayed behind. Another thing that is bugging me is that Alices stats keep vanishing after closing the game and continuing after a break. I always need to go back to the point where we are about to leave the city. The stats stay visible as long as I play the game but bug out after closing the game.



Sydney won't join you but will come after you later in the game if you got her love scene in CH16 and she has 10+ like.

Alice's stats vanishing may be an issue with the persistence file, because once you unlock it, it should ALWAYS be available, even with a new game.  If you can access developer mode, you should be able to put in persistent.parttwo_end = True to unlock it.

Yeah I continued the game and she rejoined. I have played several VNs, but this game is insane! On one hand I want to see the end, but on the other hand I want it to continue because you actually get attached to all the girls and the MC. I am now waiting for the final release and want to buy it as a sign of support.

i have the same problem. all the character stats except carol and naomi have disappeared.
i tried shift+D and shift+O but neither worked to access developer mode 

(1 edit) (+1)

I have question about the download APK I keep losing save data from current download from 23 e Everytime I download new update how can I get my current save files back?


You should be able to keep your saves files by just installing 24 over 23 as they share the same file/folder structure. As long as you're not deleting the old app beforehand. You can usually find your saves under \Android\data\com.nowandthen.myapp\files\saves

If you've lost them, I have a file with saves from an older version you can try out here:

Ty that really help wasn't sure why lost when unstall game download new update 

(1 edit)

i have question how do i transfer save file toward the game save file show

You'll have to unzip the saves and move the files into your save folder after you install the newest version. After the game installs, there'll be a folder somewhere like \Android\data\com.nowandthen.myapp\files\saves . Place the saves there. When you load up, these should be under page 9 and 10 of saves so that they don't interfere or overwrite any saves you might have had.


Ok, I'm on chapter 20 something (21 I think) and I encountered a bug. The game thinks I slept with Hana when I made sure to turn her down at every turn. Now Carol is mad at me for something I didn't even do.


Hello there. I'd love to play this game. but I'm using what's called a screen reader to read what's on the screen. I don't want to download 2gb to find it not accessible. but the story seems pretty interesting so far.


Hello, while the Ren'py engine does have a built-in script reader that will narrate what's being said onscreen, there isn't anything coded in to communicate action. I feel that while the script does try to set scenes, many of the sequences may be lost in translation.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

oh man. I would've love to play it :)

I love it when someone starts a sentence with hello there. I guess this makes ILSProductions the general though.


Will chap 24 be the end of the story, like originally planned? Or will there be chap 25 or some sort of aftermath episode after the main story? I personally would like to see aftermath of how the group managed after settling down. Chap 23 was excellent, keep up the high quality =)


Due to what's left in the story, we decided to expand to 25 chapters a few months back. So, 24, 25 and a full release that's nothing but endings/epilogue content.


I'm confused about how the nerve stat works. The lower the stat means the more insecure they feel with their surroundings? Like, e.g. When they need to make a decision about going outside to scrounge for resources, the lower nerve is the less likely they are to actually go out, right?


The higher the nerve stat, the more anxious they are. Meaning they may be less inclined to go out or Carol may have a harder time aiming her weapon in certain scenes. It's mostly a modifier that alters the way certain scenes play out.

(1 edit)

hmmm.. ive been playing it backwards then, cos the common phrase "that person has a lot of nerve" means that they are very outgoing, have a lot of confidence, and/or are very rude. "to have a lot of nerve" is the opposite of "is nervous".
i've been actively trying to max their Nerve stats to make them better survivors ...
dammit, and i'm already upto chapter 27, so considering what i know now about how you have interpreted it, and that ive currently got carols nerve up to 10, well, i'm surprised she's not trying to kill herself with anxiety. surprised she didn't get us all killed or drop the gun or something at Hanas house 

i'm a monster :( apparently im tormenting and abusing my poor lil orphan girl 

"lower the stat means the more insecure they feel"
thats exactly how i understood it too :/ like it is in the dictionary. the "stats defined" page is not clear on this either


Yeah, it would be better if the nerve stat were more defined  because it can be easily misunderstood leading to terrible decisions and seeing how long the game can be it is quite the hassle having to star anew because of it

Please make a walkthrough please


There is very good WT at f95, though you need to register there to be able to download it.

Thanks ima try to find it


Be careful with the "Zoey's" walkthrough mod.  It is locked to give you the 'harem' route and FORCES you to go through ALL branches of multiple branching choices.  These are choices that the game actively tracks and some of the choices give +1 love/conflict to one character while giving -1 love/conflict to another which results in a teeter totter effect on stats and could possibly cause conflict later in the game (example: when starting the Naomi path, you have 2 chances to approach her.  Choosing to approach her gives +1 love Naomi and -1 love Carol.  Choosing Carol gives +1 Carol and -1 Naomi and wastes that chance to start with Naomi. Choosing Carol also has Carol admonishing you for putting off talking to Naomi.  The mod forces you through both scenes and applies the stat changes as if you had actually made those choices.  I didn't play past the 1st time it did this to me because I don't feel like wasting 30 minutes to an hour to see whether or not Zoey automatically triggers the Naomi route for you because they didn't bother stopping the -1 love from happening after forcing it on me).  I can see why Zoey would do this, so the player can watch more scenes in game, but the mod also already unlocks the entire gallery for you, so there is no point forcing choices like that.


The latest Walkthrough is always available at our Patreon:

Here is a link to the latest one:

(3 edits) (+2)

So i just finished the game and....... OH MY FUCKING GOOD! This is definitely having me wanting M-O-R-E!!!! On my list of Adult Visual Novel Authors, @ILSProductions (Now And Then) and @Sierra Lee (The Last Sovereign) would be my most top two for Story-telling, plentiful amount of choices and branching lines, engaging & memorable characters, and finally the very well done illustrations/renders that are oh-so-BEAUTIFUL! 

@ILSProductions, will you PLEASE release this on Steam!?! I dont mind paying full price for this Masterpiece and supporting you on Patreon as well. 

 Ikr! Im a massive fans of his\her work to.. This game is literally god mode and im personally think this is better than last of us and walking dead series

Is it possible to do a Carol-Only run? 


Haven't tried, but I don't see why not. I believe you can actually do no sex at all run if you wish



Yes, you can do a Carol-only run. After chapter nine, you can choose not to get busy with anyone. There is a scenario, depending on stats, where you can actually not have sex with anyone after chapter 7.

Thank you!!!!!!!!! :D 


hay is there a path that leads to Sidney joining you and the girls  later on with Alice?



There is, if you got her like points to 10+. You'll see more about it in the next chapter.

thank you kindly really like the game impressive tbh


My favorite AVN Ive ever played. Writing is novel quality, absolutely adore the characters and the story.


This is one of my favorite games. Whoever ILS Productions may be, they do great work!

(2 edits)

Is there mega download APK cause I can't use this download to work say file missing


The android downloads for v20 are:


They can always be found at our Patreon:

Damn, this was a very nice journey, I'll come back for more and to see where it leads in the end. Hope Syd makes the right call and gets out before it's too late.

By the way I've played all the way on Linux so you can definitely flag the game as Linux-compatible (script is in the -pc archive, like with most if not all Ren'py VN, guess it does it automatically or something).

thanks for the linux confirmation.  I would've found out at the end of a long download, but good to know in advance it has a script! :D


Holy hell, absolutely best written VN I've played. Well done dev.

(2 edits) (+1)

Well-written game, really enjoyable! You get to learn to appreciate each character as an actual character, where many NSFW VNs only seem to use these caricatures or cardboard cutouts. I only have two or three gripes with the game.

The first one is the pace is *very* slow. That's not necessarily a bad thing for a game like this where you're trying to experience all their emotions and the world would involve a lot of waiting, but there are several moments where you're sitting there essentially reading the same characters say the same things in different ways for 30 minutes or even an hour. It also means that there's stuff that is hinted at ages away I essentially know you're going to use, but I'm just sitting there waiting for it to pay off.

The other one, which may be seen as kinda minor, is the logic gaps for some characters. This isn't really human error, it's more just confusion at choices you'd *expect* to be made (or at least thought about) that aren't there. An example [minor spoiler] is when MC chooses to slash the tires of a van. For someone who went on and on about how the Charger wasn't the best car (once again another example of consistent repetition of the same thing in different way), but he sees a van he can get into and his only thought is "oh it's useless, time to slash its tires". If it's older than like 30 years old, it could even be able to be picked without a key and work relatively fine. So for *Carol* to be the one to point that fact out, it felt a bit weird. I'd actually expect Carol to say to slash the tires rather than the MC, since his decisions are largely pragmatic. I assume it was more just done to give you the option of choice?

Oh also, edit: I'm kinda sad [another minor spoiler] you didn't get the choice about Lori's photo? That almost felt like a significant character that you'd be allowed to decide, even if it's insignificant to the plot


the stand was one of my favorite books.   Love the story here, and really enjoying it!    Wondering if the author is from North Carolina?    I am recognizing alot of the landmarks.....


Not sure if  it's a good thing or bad, but this game is so long and interesting that I ran out of room for saves lol :P


Great read. Engaging story, characters and setting. Good fic for someone who wants a story with their smut.


Honestly one of the best VNs I've every played. It's crazy how consistently engaging the story stays even after 18 Chapters with many of them consisting of a few characters confined to small spaces. I also absolutely love how you portray the tension and boringness of the everyday life in a Zombie Apocalypse. The characters, the story and everything else feels really realistic and grounded and I am so excited to play the upcoming updates. Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

I have some quick questions is it some of the scenes are flash backs or not because sometimes i can't follow the flow of the story (don't get me wrong this is the best VN game just a little confuse of the flashbacks) 

The THEN scenes are flashbacks/memories. Everything else is told in chronological order.

Oh ok thats make sense to me now thanks for the answer 

(2 edits) (+1)

Best VN I've played storywise. Just perfect. Also nice job with the music. Sounds weren't that great, but can live without them.

One oddity I noticed on my second run was that even if I didn't have sex with Naomi at the gym, she says to Carol that Sydney saw MC and her doing it there when she talks to Carol that Sydney knows about them.

Also, some grammar stuff seem to be wrong. Like there's lot of "Haven't not got" style of texts, which should be either "Haven't got" or "Have not got". Though English isn't my first language so I might be wrong about those. Either way, great job =).

(1 edit)

the first visual novel that i played for the plot, i fucking loved it man, keep up the good work, and thanks for making this, i don't know if chapter 16 is the end of the game but so far i really enjoyed it


Chapter 16 is the end of part 2. The plan is for this to go to a third part and 24 chapters, but depending on the need to resolve storylines and endings, it might need to go a little longer.


Just played through chapter 16. And I gotta say: Big big props for this one!
A lot happened, it was well written, tense, and it came to a really good conclusion.

Thank you a lot for not leaving this chapter on a cliffhanger. I have rarely put a non-finished story down so satisfied with it. Whether game, book or film.

Very much looking forward to more, but for now: Very well done, this is a work to be proud of! *thumbsup*

Dam u know how to write nice update cant wait for more my friend :D 


Just finished up to 15. This does have good writing.  This is the first Anime vn that I have spent any time on, and I am ok with it. I almost passed over it, and to be honest, these post-apoc storys dont normaly interest me, but I pushed my way into it, was hooked, and pulled to the end of 15. Looking forward to 16, and to giving you some more resourses you deserve. keep up the good work.


Haven't played that much but so far it's pretty good.. I always enjoy apocalyptic survival games games like the last of us and The walking dead and this is kinda visual novel version of that so I'm all in

Only got one problem tho, and I hate to be that guy but man the anime character designs bugs me tf out..would've been a lot better if realistic character designs were used like in most 3d visual novels because the anime designs just makes everyone look "off" and weird 

Hey bud one question, be aware all its a tiny SPOILER so dont read more!!!!!

I started a new game and i wonder did u delet the halloween party? 

Becuase they are talkin about it but it wasnt in the game, i remember that i played in in 0.10 or 0.09?

Still love this game


It and the Christmas Special are in the Gallery under the Holiday tab.

Thanks for playing and glad you're enjoying it.

(1 edit) (+1)

i mean the story related one :) 
And np its rly a great story it reminds on some i saw a long long time ago

Edit yes thats it :D i was wonderin thanks bud

great game!

Brilliant story, went through the whole thing without stopping, really enjoyed it. Great story, charachters and artwork, well done

Just say realy love this game. Honestly the story is realy-realy good. Excellent works !! And it run smooth on my android phone, can't wait for the next update and what happens with carol,naomi&sydney in the future. Thank you for the great game.

is there any chance Ver 13 will be available on Mediafire, unfortunately will not work for me, prolly as my location is china

tnx...great story btw

Here are some additional mirrors of v 0.13.0 if you want to try them:




Unfortunately, I've been having issues with Mediafire (connection dropouts mid-upload) as of late that I hope will be resolved by the time 0.14.0 comes around. I hope these help.

Hi, just finished Ver 13 download using WORKUPLOAD link. Before enjoying the update just want to say that I am truly impressed that you would take the time to provide these links to someone whom is not subscribed to your site. I can assure you that when the craziness of Cov-19 is over and I can resume my normal work I will jump onto Paypal and subscribe. I hope when you complete the story that you release it on Steam where it will receive an "overwhelmingly positive" review and you get the just rewards for all of your work and the amazing storyline, looking forward to continuing the journey...many thanks   

Hello, Mac user here. I can't seem to run the 0.13 update. Whenever I start it up the game just shuts down, but my 0.12 works just fine, any fixes? Great work on the game btw!

I believe there's an issue with the latest build of Ren'py that's causing this issue on multiple platforms. We'll look  into rolling back our build of Ren'py and redoing the entire 0.13 update. As this is usually a week-long process for testing/uploading, this may take a little time before a new update is out. 

Thanks for your patience.

0.13.1 Update has been published. See if this works for you.

The patch did the job, thank you so much!

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